Building Momentum for the Conscious Buyer Movement

Makers of eco-friendly products and services need more people to move into conscious buying. It’s an urgent call that’s already backed by education, awareness of impact and better safer alternatives. Yet many of our societal norms around buying and consumption behavior still hold much resistance for an individual, family or company. Let’s dive into a few of these here.

How do we raise awareness and access to sustainable products and services? 

This subject is top of mind for frego. Frego was recently addedto The Conscious Buyer website where you’ll find companies like Larabar, The Honest Company and Annies. 
The Conscious Buyer’s mission:

“[Provide one credible source where] people can go to find companies that believe doing business in a sustainable way is critical for the future of our planet… Customers can learn about each company and link directly to that company’s website for ordering. We imagine a planet where every business operates humanely, consciously, sustainably, and philanthropically. This is the driving force behind The Conscious Buyer.” 

 Collective resources we have like The Consumer Buyer website, and conversations about eco-friendly choices that go mainstream, all create the momentum needed to not just spur individual product/ service purchase, but drive more of a movement to an eco-friendly lifestyle.

How do we make eco-friendly choices more visible and the norm? 

One of the most massive shifts to eco-friendliness could come from the choices big businesses and retailers make. In 2020 the good news is that consumers, employees, stakeholders and investors all have rising expectations of businesses and their demands for people and planet over or and profit are being voiced and heard. Businesses had better be listening and responding to survive.  Please, consumers, continue to speak up and be a positive part of the solution!

How do we present and incent a value-based, not price-based, decision?

In most cases, choosing better for the planet and human consumption means you pay more. It’s important to consider more than an immediate one-time cost when comparing products from low to high on an eco-friendly scale.  Look at the lifetime use of the product or service and the impact on the environment for starters. Then it becomes a more fair equation and then you can easily base your decision on value.

In all of your consumer buying decisions, frego suggests that you make small, intentional steps to transition areas of your life and buying behavior to the positive. That way your choices will stick. Along the way, you’ll no doubt inspire others! …And since we’re all in this together, all trying to do better for ourselves and the planet, please share your insights or tips on the questions we’ve prompted here. We welcome your experience!

Juhi Gupta